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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  greenink211 Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:47 am

    I am sure I have seen on Twitter murmurings about this.

    I am sure I have seen mentioned a few times that its not HATE that drives them on but almost a sense of duty.

    I am sure I have seen them saying that they are just the vanguard.

    I am sure I have seen them say that they are in fact the majority.

    OH DEAR! How empty that claim seems.

    Yesterday this so-called majority went into overdrive with their negative comments in an attempt to obliterate the message the Missing People Facebook page and Twitter feed were trying to put across about missing children. They wanted their message of HATE heard over the message of the charity that there was a new attempt to bring missing children and adults home.

    Yesterday this so-called majority set up a Facebook page to rally support for their cause which they described as "NO WAY SHOULD KATE MCCANN BE ALLOWED TO BE AMBASSADOR FOR MISSING CHILDREN".

    Yesterday this so-called majority started a PETITION to rally support for their cause, "kate mccann should not be an ambassador for missing people".


    Well not quite the majority they claim. Not even close to 50%. Not even 10%. Not even 1%. Not even a tenth of 1% or a hundredth of 1% but closer just over A THOUSANDTH OF ONE PERCENT of the population of Portugal and the UK combined. Thats not a great score at all.

    The Facebook page has a grand total of 279 but that includes 121 people who haven't even responded to their invites to join, so really around 160.

    And the Petition page has a total of 249 but that includes quite a few CLEAR EXAMPLES OF DUPLICATES. So the score there is really unknown.

    BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS that they have themselves collected LOTS of names and IPs together for the AUTHORITIES to see and in many cases ACTUALLY OUTED THEMSELVES for all the world to SEE WHO IS BEHIND a great deal of the NASTINESS thrown at the the parents of the missing child Madeleine McCann. So even though they have shown themselves up as Haters who don't care about missing children in front of yet another audience and failed MISERABLY to get even a few hundred to support their nasty vindictiveness, at least some good came out of their day's work.

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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Sabot Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:57 am

    I don't know why they keep having these Petitions. They never exceed more than about 200, and most of those are socks. So all they ever do is to prove how little support they have.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:22 am

    Excellent post, Greenink, and aren't the statistics fascinating?

    Of all the haters' own goals, this is just about the best ever. All sorts of new people saw them at their sick, evil worst - and were revolted by the Truthseekers.

    Truthseekers? They wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the nose. And after that vile display, they need never bother pretending they care about anyone or anything except their adored Amaral again.

    Did they think that no-one noticed what they did when the mother of another missing person tried to reason with them?


    It's good that the whole world can now see how few of them there really are, and how sick and hate-filled they really are.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Lamplighter Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:33 am

    What - who did they attack, bonny?
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:37 am

    Oh, the interlectool amazon haters have joined in the hatefest, too:

    CPN says:
    Phew! - quite an email!

    Also, there is a petition against Kate as Ambassador for Missing Children if anyone is interested:



    BTW, the 'email' is yet another mishmash of hate, libel and lies concocted by some other forker.

    Don't know if they have noticed, but their abuse and obscenities have been cleaned away by the charity they attacked.

    None of them need ever complain about being called HATER TROLLS again after that display.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:39 am

    What - who did they attack, bonny?

    I simply cannot remember the woman's name, LL, just that she was a supporter of the charity because one of her family was missing - someone else may remember?

    I just saw her speak out against the Orcs, and they all turned on her.

    Vile creatures.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:52 am


    Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people
    Jean Yesterday
    Unless I'm having another mad moment, there are now only eight postings on the Facebook page - including one from Bren Ryan and two from Pamela Gurney! The other five are all in support of Kate too. It doesn't take much to please some people.

    There really seems no point in posting anything else as it will be whooshed in record time.

    Aw, diddums! Why on earth would an organisation trying to HELP missing people want their site contaminated by a load of hate, lies and libel courtesy of an internet lynch mob?

    So it's all been cleaned away, and the site disinfected after their loathsome attentions? What else did they think was going to happen? No-one cares what they think, no-one is interested in them or their delusional hatred.

    It's good that more and more normal, decent people are seeing the hater trolls for the pondlife they are. Attacking the mother of another missing person is about all they are capable of - and they did it in public and thought it would be acceptable.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:01 am

    Remembered, LL! This is the lady they were spitting hate at -


    Sarah Godwin. Her son has, sadly, been missing for many years - but that didn't stop the haters and the Gonc cult from hurling vile abuse at her because she committed the unforgivable sin - in their eyes - of trying to reason with them.

    And they wonder why no-one will 'debate' with them! The cheek of it - as if anyone has to lower themselves to 'debate' with a gang of lynch mobbers.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Lamplighter Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:23 am

    bb1 wrote:Remembered, LL! This is the lady they were spitting hate at -


    Sarah Godwin. Her son has, sadly, been missing for many years - but that didn't stop the haters and the Gonc cult from hurling vile abuse at her because she committed the unforgivable sin - in their eyes - of trying to reason with them.

    And they wonder why no-one will 'debate' with them! The cheek of it - as if anyone has to lower themselves to 'debate' with a gang of lynch mobbers.
    Thanks bonny. I am sorry, maybe it's my age, but I cannot fathom and will never understand how anyone could treat someone like that!!!! It makes me so angry!! LL
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:29 am

    The world has seen their kind before, LL, wearing many different faces. The ugliness under the mask is always the same, though:

    Look at this freak:

    Dr David Payne ‏@DodgyDrPayne
    @missinpeople why did you delete all these comments regarding Kate #McCann - your ambassador? http://www.scribd.com/doc/99867333/Missing-People-Facebook-Deletions Luckily they were saved

    'Luckily they were saved' - what on earth for? They are no use to man nor beast. Do they intend to read their deleted comments to each other sitting around their cyber bonfires, discussing past hate campaigns and singing Tomorrow Belongs To Me?
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:40 am

    Here's another one:

    Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people
    mccannscam Today
    sorry if this has been alread posted but just got this from twitter its screen shots of all our comments which were deleated from missing persons fb page , some very good comments here smile http://www.scribd.com/doc/99867333/Missing-People-Facebook-Deletions

    'Very good'? What on earth do they think is 'very good' about them? And why do they think their bile is of the slightest value?

    Do they picture themselves in their dotage, sitting little Wayne and Waynetta on their knees, and saying, Did I ever tell you about the time I trolled a site for missing people? Look, here's the bit where I made an obscene remark about the mother of a missing child!
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  lily Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:51 am

    Some of them have the nerve to insinuate that they made donations to the cause. Shocked

    Yeah....right.....talk to the hand. Rolling Eyes
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:55 am

    Quite, Lily - as if that lot would give 'donations' to anything except the local off-licence. Rolling Eyes

    It's almost amusing watching them come out with carp like that; I don't think they realise people have seen all their tired old tricks before and simply don't believe them any more.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Maggs Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:01 pm

    bb1 wrote:Here's another one:

    Re: Kate McCann becomes ambassador for missing people
    mccannscam Today
    sorry if this has been alread posted but just got this from twitter its screen shots of all our comments which were deleated from missing persons fb page , some very good comments here smile http://www.scribd.com/doc/99867333/Missing-People-Facebook-Deletions

    'Very good'? What on earth do they think is 'very good' about them? And why do they think their bile is of the slightest value?

    Do they picture themselves in their dotage, sitting little Wayne and Waynetta on their knees, and saying, Did I ever tell you about the time I trolled a site for missing people? Look, here's the bit where I made an obscene remark about the mother of a missing child!

    Bonny, They would rather it had been Karen Mathews or Vanessa George. They have more in common!vomit
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:16 pm

    The Facebook page has a grand total of 279 but that includes 121 people who haven't even responded to their invites to join, so really around 160.

    And the Petition page has a total of 249 but that includes quite a few CLEAR EXAMPLES OF DUPLICATES. So the score there is really unknown.

    Perhaps we should find a collective name for them, like, THE GROSS?

    Oh look, here's one now!

    Nat Williams ‏@MyBeamer59
    @missingpeople Bit convenient it was the same girl whose picture was behind Kate in the Sun the day "BEFORE" she was found #mccann

    Right, so not only is the charity IN IT, the girl who went missing and her mum are both IN IT, too now?

    Keep it up, you are doing a great job of proving to the world that haters and forkers are INSANE.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:17 pm

    How's this for astounding arrogance?

    I understand that they might want to to able to block trolls if needs to be but regular people should have a right to post their opinion as long as it's done in dignified manner. If they are so proud of their new ambassador, they should just stand behind their decision and let people to air their views. If they are so proud why all the censorship

    Who the H*ll do these creatures think they are, to demand that a charity for missing people provide a free platform for them to post their lies, libel and obscenities on?

    They've got two or three hater cesspits, they can stay there with their own kind, and not tell themselves they are entitled to force their filth onto normal, decent people.

    Oh, and by definition, each and every one of the haters doing this IS A TROLL.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Sabot Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:25 pm

    Regular People. HA! Regular People don't behave like this. They are all sick in the head.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:35 pm

    Why on earth do they think they are mysteriously entitled to inflict their bile on the rest of the world? The arrogance and self-delusion is stunning.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:18 pm

    Isn't it funny what you find when you are looking for other things? Who can forget this, from one of the Admin of TheGrossGroup:

    Please leave free for Robert Murat,

    Met Robert Murat today and extended the good wishes of the forum to him.He was very heartened by my report and by the warm wishes extended by the forum which he didn't knoweexiste ans I told him it extended to all corners of the globe,

    He intimated rgat there are many more twists to come but is bound by the secrecy of the Portuguese laws. He told me that his family got him through the darkest days but said life would never be the same again. I have got his email address. He hopes to come on lin about 7ish tomorrow in his own name,

    I gave him a big kiss on behalf of the 3 arguidos..........wow Robert I bigtime enjoyed that. But met reporters outside his house who were going for the scoop of the century but who wanted page 3 style photos of me........am gone beyond that so at the mo am abandonned in Lagos...............but wannted to get this reportto you. Please may we open a thread to extend our good wishes to him tomorrow. Will give you the story of my abandonment at a later stage.

    When Rob has left his god wishes I may go into further detail...........please remember AI am a nosy old çow.....loved Robert...........xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Next on my list is Amaral...but it wont be.............

    For Robert it is very definitely......

    rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Sabot Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:20 pm

    It's obviously some sort of self generating Liver Disease that feeds on Bile, and eventually hits the Brain. They'll explode in a mess of green slime one of these days, but fortunately this is likely to happen in the comfort of their own cess pits.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:29 pm

    Sheer genius on the part of the haters and forkers, Sabot - spew libel and obscenities at a whole new group of people who have never heard of you before, but now can see for themselves just what kind of abuse the McCanns and others have had at the hands of the pro-Amaral cult.

    Oh, and also reveal just how few of you there really are, along the way.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:48 pm

    Gael ‏@GaeMar01
    @Tracesmart @PostcodeLottery > missing peoples Facebook deletions on #McCann

    rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

    Why on earth do the haters think the Postcode Lottery would be in the slightest bit interest in their deleted libel? But hey, if they want to annoy even more people than they have annoyed already, who are we to stop them spamming? So not exactly a majority then? Muttley2
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Sabot Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:52 pm

    Bit of a joke really, Bonny. They are their own destruction.
    None of this new Campaign would have taken off in such a big way without Kate and Gerry McCann, and even so it has taken Five Years of the lone campaigning that The McCanns have already done. They deserve a Medal at the very least.
    I don't blame any family for collapsing into uselessness, but this won't happen again, ever. There will always be help from now on. Someone to tell them how to get their search off the ground. People to rally round and give support.
    That bunch can stuff their donations, if they have ever made any. Other people will donate. People who didn't even know that this Charity existed before two days ago. That is a massive leap forward.
    And there will be more high profile Events and other Fund Raising ideas. All is well on the road. And we can thank Kate McCann for that.
    She will almost certainly be recognized by Britain and The Crown for what she has done and will go on doing.
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  bb1 Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:05 pm

    Oh good Lord, Sabot, can you imagine how the forkers and hounders would react to that?
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    So not exactly a majority then? Empty Re: So not exactly a majority then?

    Post  Sabot Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:12 pm

    bb1 wrote:Oh good Lord, Sabot, can you imagine how the forkers and hounders would react to that?

    They'd Hate Spam Her Maj with a bit of luck, Bonny. That would set someone's clock ticking. But they could always threaten not to vote for her ever again.
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